
In-Motion Weighing and Checkweigher Software

Weigh in Motion Checkweigher Software

W-IMS Weigh In-Motion Software

W-IMS is our flagship weigh in motion software. It is often combined with D-IMS as weights and dimensions are captured for dimensional weight factor (DWF) as well as manifesting for carriers such as UPS, FedEx, USPS, and other regional and international carriers.

Weight and Dimensioning Software

W-IMS is also used for standalone checkweighers and scales. In batch mode, either the scale controller or W-IMS may be used to interface the checkweigher and transmit data such as actual weights and events. Batch mode also allows for a reject signal to fire diverts to route products to an exceptions/QC lane.

In a dynamic weighing environment, W-IMS will merge data such as product ID (or order license plate barcode). For QC functions, W-IMS provide lookups for the expected weight comparisons to actual weight, as well as reporting merged shipping data to host or shipping software.